Written by the Titan Tribune editorial staff, editorials reflect the general views of the staff as a whole, but not necessarily those of each individual.

Artwork by Ellie Brueggeman
Student newspapers encourage creativity and critical thinking. They provide an opportunity for students to learn a new style of writing, one that communicates a story directly and succinctly. Skills like these are valuable in today’s world.
Student newspapers offer a place for students to share issues that are important to them. They empower students and give them a voice. The next generation should feel as if what they say matters.
Yet, Tesoro High School is the only Capistrano Unified School District (CUSD) high school without an official student newspaper. Administration has been approached by students repeatedly over the last three years asking for this omission to be rectified.
Throughout the years, students jumped through every hoop placed by administrators. The Titan Tribune editorial team built a large club, identified a committed advisor, created a website, developed social media accounts, produced weekly content, wrote bylaws and applications, recruited students representing every grade, researched funding opportunities, and even sought a permanent teacher for the future class.
After initial progress, the team was met with a lack of ongoing communication that further seemed to belittle the students’ input and value.
Our country was founded on the written word. Common Sense helped spark the American Revolution, and The Federalist Papers helped convince the new nation to ratify the United States Constitution that now protects our right to the freedom of speech and press. The Titan Tribune editorial team, however, does not intend to start a Tesoro Revolution. This effort is simply about Tesoro students of all grades having the same opportunity as other CUSD high school kids.
Tesoro needs an official student newspaper.
In a divided world that celebrates abbreviated posts on social media, students should have the opportunity to develop deeper thoughts and share bigger stories on a broad platform. A high school should want to create critical thinkers and encourage a focus on current affairs. A student newspaper is the place for these opportunities.
We at the Titan Tribune love having the opportunity to write as a club, but we want to ensure that future Titans’ voices are protected by creating a permanent outlet to share, celebrate, and debate their ideas.
A school the caliber of Tesoro should absolutely have a student newspaper. With a group of over 30 consistent members sacrificing weekly lunches to meet (an even bigger group attended weekly meetings when tutorial was allowed to be used by clubs), the Titan Tribune will only grow with its establishment as a class. As an official class, Tesoro will be able to ensure a more diversified newspaper experience for all grades, all backgrounds, all opinions, and all interests, creating a better newspaper and a more connected and informed Tesoro community.
We, the founders of the Titan Tribune, hope to graduate Tesoro with establishing a legacy – a permanent outlet for the empowerment and development of passionate, confident Titans for years to come.
Tesoro needs an official newspaper to tell the stories of our unique high school. It’s time for the Titan Tribune to become an official part of the Tesoro High School curriculum. Our editorial team hopes school administrators will listen to students, stop throwing up roadblocks, and work with transparency to solidify an official student newspaper, ensuring a brighter future for Tesoro High School and its student body.
Please read Letters to the Editor from SJHHS and DHHS editor-in-chiefs here:
And from our community papers:
This is disappointing to read. How can a school, with the prestige of Tesoro, NOT have a school newspaper? I’m saddened by this. For two years I wrote for my high school newspaper, serving as the sports editor my senior year. This lead me to major in photojournalism, followed by 6 years as a photojournalist in the United States Army.
I would implore the administration to reconsider their stance on this.
I would also strongly encourage you, the students, to keep pursuing this. Some of my fondest memories from of high school were my days writing and photographing for my school newspaper.
You have the support of this parent!
Larry Butterfas
Parent of Grayson Butterfas Class of ‘26