Tesoro High School was ranked first in the Capistrano Unified School District (CUSD) and top 10% in the state by US News this year.
Among the top districts in the state, CUSD boasts some of the best high schools in the nation. CUSD comprises six high schools: Tesoro, San Juan Hills, Aliso Niguel, San Clemente, and Dana Hills.
At the end of the 2022-2023 school year, sophomores and juniors took the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP), a state-wide assessment established in 2014, and the results of their performance were recently released. According to statistics from the California Department of Education as reported by Principal Ken Ezratty, Tesoro exceeded district averages. At Tesoro High School, the percentage of students scoring at or above proficient were as follows: English (86.59%), math (58.82%), and science (51.99%). At the district level, the percentage of students who scored at or above proficient were lower: English (76.62%), math (49.35%), and science (51.99%). (Seniors were also required to take the science portion as it was not administered their junior year.) It is also important to recognize that during the 2023 AP testing season, Tesoro had high participation and an 86% pass rate.
In the recent US News 2023-2024 rankings for “Best California High School,” Tesoro ranks 124 of over 1,500 schools. US News ranks high schools based on College Readiness (30%), State Assessment Proficiency (20%), State Assessment Performance (20%), Underserved Student Performance (10%), College Curriculum Breadth (10%), and Graduation Rate (10%). Other schools in the district rank as follows: San Juan Hills (133), Aliso Niguel (167), Capo Valley (302), San Clemente (328), and Dana Hills (369).
CUSD consistently scores higher than national averages. The some 2,100 students and 100 staff members at Tesoro High School continue to prove their academic excellence.
“The level of expectation for strong academics is extremely high by teachers, parents, and students themselves. Everyone holds themselves to high expectations at Tesoro,” said Principal Ezratty.