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Technology: Moving Too Fast?

Gabriella Bakus

It’s unfathomable that in 2007, the original iPhone was first introduced to society. Now, a total of 34 iPhones have been released in the span of 15 years––each more advanced than the last.

And now - Many surgeries (especially ones concerning the cardiovascular system) are robot-assisted to allow doctors to be more precise.

Despite the good that comes with technology, however, many fear that technology is advancing at an alarming rate: It is slowly taking over people's everyday life and creates a lack of intimacy between humans.

Technology has an intense influence on society to say the least. Devices like phones, computers, etc. have become essential parts of life in ages ranging lower and lower in childhood. Studies have shown that increased screen time encourages violent behavior in children, shortens attention spans, and affects sleeping/thinking patterns. Children can also become addicted to the use of technology (read more about video games’ effect on the brain here).

As children younger and younger are introduced having their own cell phones/other devices, their brains are more deeply affected, for they are not as developed as older teens and adults with their own personal devices. This exposure to technological devices affects the behavior of children of the next generations of children and teens––the future of society. Technology has been interwoven into society so tightly nowadays that it is impossible to release its grasp on children––slowly morphing them into aggressive addicts of their own making.

Furthermore, the advancement of technology contributes to a growing lack of communication and intimacy between human beings. According to the article “What Are the Effects of Technology of Human Interaction, What Are They,” most interactions between humans have been reduced to simple texts, and even when humans are physically interacting, they are both equally immersed in their own digital worlds and not truly connecting––resulting in decreased social skills, interactions, and an increase of isolation.

In a world so heavily reliant on technology, it is impossible to avoid its impending influence on everyday life and in basic exchange between people. From opting to writing a letter instead of physically visiting a friend, to texting them as opposed to calling––human interactions have grown to be increasingly distant over the years. The ever growing influence of technology has seeped into the very bonds connecting the human species together and warping them into flimsy versions of themselves barely able to hold on.

Ultimately, the influence of technology has been growing far too fast for the good of mankind by consuming almost every aspect of daily life and by creating a lack of human connection. It is hard to imagine just what new technologies will be introduced to society in the future. Perhaps humanoid robots will walk among the living–-a fantasy engineers are dangerously close to making reality.

Given how advanced modern technology is, it is safe to assume that further developments would be unnecessary and pose very serious threats to the survival of humankind.


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