On Monday, May 19, Katherine Le was awarded the title Titan of the Year for the 2023-2024 school year at the Senior Awards ceremony. Le was selected out of five worthy, like-minded students for her undeniable passion to the betterment of Tesoro as ASB President, among a multitude of other factors.
To be selected as candidates, each department must first nominate and rank four students. The top of these students then must submit resumes and answer a series of questions where a panel of teachers further narrows down the candidates. From here, those students are to be interviewed by a separate panel of teachers who then pick the top five students to become the finalists, one of which being selected as the Titan of the Year. This final recipient is chosen based on a variety of considerations including school involvement, academic achievement, humility and high character.
“The Titan of the Year,” Principal Ezratty notes, “is the student we could send as a representative of Tesoro anywhere in the world and they would represent Tesoro well.” Despite not being on the panel to make the final decision, Mr. Ezratty agrees that Le fits this very description, as she “is an amazing young lady who embodied what we look for in a Titan of the Year.” In addition to serving as ASB President, Le has been the National Honors Society (NHS) Treasurer and Sports Editor of the Titan Tribune, comprising the major criteria for a recipient of this award.
To allow herself the opportunity to receive an award of such high caliber, Le notes that although there were sacrifices made to fit all of her passions into her schedule, she emphasizes that it was not a sacrifice to truly make an impact on Tesoro. “One of the reasons that I was possibly chosen as Titan of the Year,” Le continues, “was hopefully the impact that I made on other people, and I would never consider that a sacrifice for myself.”
Le recalls that the greatest reward throughout her journey at Tesoro was being able to connect with the school’s community, emphasizing the great role that particularly Mr. Ritscher, Mrs. Jindra and Mrs. Davis had in shaping her to be the person she is today. Le attributes her ability to receive this prestigious award largely to these teachers as she thanks them for pushing her, supporting her and encouraging her to keep pursuing all she sets her mind to.
Not only has Le made an impact on her peers socially and communicatively through ASB, she also has accumulated a 4.76 GPA over the course of her high school career as she challenges herself with a high academic rigor. After graduation, Le will further this pursuit of excellence at the University of California Los Angeles where she will major in Business Economics.
Le has left a lasting legacy on Tesoro, and as her final chapter at this school comes to a close, she leaves future Titans and scholars with the advice to do the same. “Continue to strive for better;” Le continues, “whether it be at Tesoro or not, make an impact and set a higher standard wherever you go.”