On Wednesday, Jan. 31, Tesoro’s ASB will be hosting their annual 8th Grade Parent Night, renamed this year to the “Titan Showcase,” from 5 P.M.to 8 P.M. The Titan Showcase will be revamped, reinvented and refurbished with separated elements of the night to best highlight the appeal of Tesoro’s campus.
From 5-6 P.M, the first section of this event will include Tesoro’s ASB providing the incoming freshman and their parents with guided tours of the campus, covering all aspects of the school including the classroom hallways, gym, lunch areas, sports fields and more. Throughout the tours, the ASB member will answer any questions the students or parents may have and provide information regarding each area on campus. During this tour, the students and parents will be guided through a mini “club rush” style set up, where some of the major clubs on campus will set up individual booths displaying what their club is about in hopes of peaking the interest of the incoming freshman. In this way, students will be provided with the opportunity to get the feel for a new aspect of school that they may not have been introduced to before: clubs. With clubs, they can exercise their passions and interests in a way unlike any they likely experienced during middle school.
From 6-7 pm, the eighth graders and their parents will gather in the large gym of Tesoro and be able to experience a mini “pep rally” type of presentation, acting as the informational section of the showcase. This portion will be opened by Jazz Band playing as they enter, followed by their performance of the National Anthem. To start, a brief informative video will play, leading into an example of one of Tesoro’s favorite traditions: The Rally Run. During this, Tesoro’s ASB along with some performers will march in with drumline, reciting a school chant to exemplify school spirit and to welcome everyone into attendance. As this section continues, it will include many short performances from different aspects of the school, such as the Tesoro Orchestra, Song Team, Titanium and Comedy Sports. These performances will then lead into the academic portion of this informational section which will highlight all academic-oriented information regarding Tesoro, encompassing all aspects that make Tesoro the highest ranked school in the Capistrano Unified School District.
Finally, the last portion of this Titan Showcase night will last from 7-8 P.M. where major competitive and academic clubs such as Model United Nations will be advertised, along with tables for sports teams, counselors and foreign languages. This is where students who may be interested in an extracurricular activity, sport, foreign language, or those with questions can explore their incredible options offered here at Tesoro High School.
This revamped Titan Showcase, implemented and run by Tesoro’s very own student leadership, is put on in hopes of showing parents and incoming freshmen the incredible opportunities and experiences this campus has to offer them in their next four years.